
  • Kateryna Slinko University of Northern Paraná - UENP
  • Fernando de Brito Alves University of Northern Paraná - UENP


The rights of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in armed conflicts encompass a complex interplay of legal, humanitarian, and socio-political dimensions. These individuals, often fleeing violence, persecution, or upheaval within their own countries, face numerous challenges and vulnerabilities.

This scientific article delves into the legal, humanitarian, and socio-political aspects concerning the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons during armed conflicts, emphasizing their vulnerability and the challenges they face. Explores the legal foundations such as international humanitarian law, human rights treaties, and the Refugee Convention that establish the rights and protections for displaced populations during armed conflicts. Examines the various factors leading to displacement, whether direct consequences of conflict violence or indirect effects and highlights the significant human and security costs associated with displacement.

Discusses the available measures and mechanisms, including the roles of states, international organizations, and non-state actors, in providing protection, humanitarian aid, and support to refugees and IDPs. Notes the encountered by displaced populations, including access to basic needs, vulnerability to abuses, discrimination, and difficulties in achieving durable solutions. Provides practical illustrations through case studies or real-world examples of specific conflicts or regions, demonstrating the complexities and nuances of protecting the rights of displaced persons.

Concludes with recommendations aimed at improving the legal frameworks, policies, and international interventions to better protect the rights of refugees and IDPs in armed conflicts.

Biografía del autor/a

Kateryna Slinko, University of Northern Paraná - UENP

Ph.D., Visiting professor at State University of Northern Paraná - UENP

Fernando de Brito Alves, University of Northern Paraná - UENP

Professor of Law, Professor of the Graduate Program in Legal Sciences at State University of Northern Paraná - UENP



Cómo citar

Slinko, K., & de Brito Alves, F. (2024). THE RIGHTS OF REFUGEES AND INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN ARMED CONFLICTS. Argumenta Journal Law, (41). Recuperado a partir de